Insight + Application = Revelation

Christian Michael
Insight + Application = Revelation
Insight + Application = Revelation
Insight + Application = Revelation
Insight + Application = Revelation
About This Quote

There are times when you have to be in the right place at the right time. But, for most of us, luck plays an important role. Luck is something that you can’t control, but rather have to take advantage of when it presents itself. You might be thinking that this is a pretty boring quote with no real meaning. But, you would be wrong.

Think about it, when was the last time you got an awesome idea out of nowhere? When did you get the coolest new idea ever? That is exactly why this quote is so awesome! Ideas are everywhere around us all of the time. So many people get them every single day without realizing it! Then, sometimes people come along and realize how awesome their ideas are and use them in the best way possible. The point is that luck isn't something that happens to you, but rather something that you can take advantage of when it does happen.

Source: The Art Of Bible Study

Some Similar Quotes
  1. Wisdom is not increased by acquiring more information, but by increasing the capacity of seeing. - Belsebuub

  2. Evil is something you need to fight until it ceases trying to control you. - Janvier ChouteuChando

  3. Love has no color, love has no language and love has no religion. - Janvier ChouteuChando

  4. …blissfulness is the summit of contentment… - Janvier ChouteuChando

  5. Not every good idea is God's perfect will for you; it may need discerning, wisdom and experience to tell the difference. - Anonymous

More Quotes By Christian Michael
  1. The (bible) teacher predicts and defines the route and pace of the spiritual growth of his students. This is because it is to the degree of the knowledge of CHRIST in a disciple that we can measure his spiritual growth.

  2. Life is impact and you have not lived unless you leave a trail

  3. Impact does not obey hard work but principles.

  4. When you think more of helping others, you set yourself up for a life of impact

  5. The Word that will change a man must first show the man who he really is.

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